Bob Rau
Fellow Shadow Riders, It’s a sad day when we have to say “Farewell” to a member, friend and brother, Bob Rau, lost his battle with his illness on September 11, 2016 and has joined our fellow Brothers in that big Shadow Riders’ gathering in Heaven. Bob was a charter member and very active in the club. His face was a staple at our monthly meetings and, even though he was a quiet observer most of the time, when he spoke people listened. He was a wise man and a gentle giant in the club. Bob had an easy smile and genuinely looked forward to seeing his fellow members each month. Bob’s riding was somewhat limited as his health issues mounted but I never heard him complain or show weakness to those around him. I know I’ll miss seeing him each month as a friend and also as someone I knew I could count on for advice concerning club affairs. I know that Bob is now free of all his ailments and I look forward to being greeted by him when I make my final ride home. You’ll be missed, buddy, and I know I speak for many when I say this.